We have had such a great time enjoying family time together as a family of 5 and with our extended family. Ava Grace is learning many new words these days and is starting to talk more and more. She says (and understands now) Mama, Daddy, Coco, Jace, ball, whoa, up, down, baby, cookie, bye-bye, night-night, hey, cracker, chips, go, teeth, bath, and most of all MILK- that girl lives by her MILK! She loves taking baths, and playing with her baby dolls. Her hair has grown to about 2 inches now and is getting thick too. We are able to comb it some now and when she gets up in the morning it is a wreck! She can feed herself pretty well but is in the stage where she is being pretty picky- she loves some yogurt, noodles, rice, soup and just recently, cereal like Lucky Charms and Raisin Bran with milk and now starting to enjoy chocolate too! She has grown to love chocolate and cookies over the Christmas season. Most of the time she will just look at food and shake her head no, but recently she has been watching us eat something and will try a little sometimes. She likes to do it on her terms though- that will be her strength in life!
We celebrated her 2nd birthday with a ladybug party at our house. All of her cousins came over and her best buddy Landon too. Mommy baked a big ladybug chocolate cookie for her party and she wouldn't touch it at all. She just wanted chips- and it didn't matter what kind. She tends to eat good one day and then not much the next.
At her last checkup, she had gained 4.5lbs since we came home on Aug 31st. She is now on the growth curve for height and weight. She has filled out all around and is really walking and doing everything she wants. She stays on the go.
It has really been great to see how much she has changed since we got home, and really great to be able to share our story with many people- not so that we get the attention but so that others can see how great adoption really is for children that need a home. It is really our hope and passion that we can inspire others to look into adoption because it really gives these children so much more than you can imagine. It is a family sacrifice, but one that is well worth it! I recently asked the boys if they would do it again know how they have to give up toys or things and attention from Mommy and Daddy and they said they would- that means a lot to us! We have been really careful to try and have individual time with each one of them often- it is hard on us but means so much to them and prevents anamosity amongst them. We have been so blessed by this whole experience!!! And we are so very appreciative of all the support our immediated family has given us- it has been unbelievable!