I just realized its already Christmas Eve in China, as they are 12 hours ahead of us here in the US. I want so much to tell Ava Grace "Merry Christmas"! Our hope in YOU is the best Christmas present we could ask for this year. I can only imagine now what life will be like next Christmas at our house, with bellows of laughter from all three kids.
We have faith that we will bring Ava into our home by this summer. Please pray with us that all goes quickly so we can do that, as its difficult to know that she's in an orphanage without us, her family, this Christmas. They do not celebrate Christ's birth in China, as there are few Christians there. Sometimes they even persecute Christians in China, so also pray for the country to be reached for Jesus Christ. Pray for the safety of missionaries there.
Our fingerprint appointment is January 11, and those will be sent to the US Immigration Service to apply for a visa for Ava. That's the last step we have to take!!! Praise the Lord, for He is good, and His love endures forever.
Merry Christmas, Little One! You are in one incredible family and are soon to be SO blessed. You won't remember much of your journey, but we sure will. We'll pray for you and your family, Little Ava. :)
The Cudak Family